Zero to Hero day 11

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11: Be a good neighbor — leave comments on three new blogs.


p>What a strange coincidence. Today I spent the day at Firs Bowl, a bowling alley in Eugene, Bowling in an eight-game tournament. This tournament requires teams to bowl position rounds where first place bowls second, third bowls fourth, and so on. Calculations require time and in turn, I turned to responding to emails in between games.To make a short story long, I get a lot of emails regarding WordPress, and typically I don’t spend much time attending to them, but today I was drawn like a moth to the flame. I hadn’t even realized that my responding to the posts would be the assignment. How cool is that: to do an assignment before even knowing.

One of the sites I enjoyed was the ranting chef. I especially liked how he stirred in stories of his kids’ eating history along with recipes that caused my mouth to water.

Maggie Monday: Scallops and Shrimp Casserole


Being a tangential person, often times one blog will lead me to another blog and that will lead me to another. I came across this one that demonstrated evocative and creative writing.


I have always had a fondness for photography, and this blogger, Sonya Lira Photography, has recently earned a few awards, like the Sunshine Award.







  1. I wandered over here because you’re a bowler, as am I… clearly you are a far-far better bowler though, so don’t get all competitive. {grin}

    I wandered about your site some more and, while I see some areas that need touch-ups (the comment space on your about page being one of them — it’s only 1 line deep and I can’t find the [enter] key!), I find your writing intriguing and will wander back from time to time. I hope you wander over to mine as well. :>

    1. I am rather clueless about the make-up of my page. I don’t know how to see what you see. I don’t know how to change the comment space. I would love suggestions. I bowl for fun, pure fun.

    2. When I look at the your comment on my phone, I don’t know what I am supposed to do to moderate. Am I supposed to click on the check Mark?
      I am no longer a very good bowler. Do you bowl in a league or are you a once in a while bowler?

      1. Yes, when you’re looking on your phone then clicking on the check mark approves the proposed comment… otherwise you trash it (the can) or flag it (as possible spam, which I promise you I am not!).

        I do bowl in a league… pretty mediocre 148 average right now. I’ve never bowled a perfect game; my highest is something like 221. :>

  2. Oh Wandering Voiceless, I am so bewildered. I must have hit a different link that was near yours because the web page that popped up yesterday was definitely not English. Instead of an out of body experience, I must have had an out of computer experience. I have no idea what to say.

          1. I can be very funny in conversation. I’m also extremely sarcastic and can get some funny zings out. But to translate conversations that were funny into writing is extremely hard.

              1. I have to be very careful with sarcasm; if I misread someone and I think they can “read” verbal sarcasm and they don’t, it’s a recipe for disaster. I’ve destroyed friendships over sharp-edged words.

I'd love to hear from you.